Dark Business Template for Joomla 1.7 December 4, 2011 by admin [download id=”90″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] VN:F [1.9.10_1130]wait..Rating: 4.6/5 (10 votes cast)Dark Business Template for Joomla 1.7, 4.6 out of 5 based on 10 ratings
I would like toremove ‘create an account’ from the login form. Can you tell me how? Thnx, Martin schout Reply
After transfer the website with Akeeba, the slider doesn’t work. It is working om http://www.vughtsmuseum.nl en not working on http://www.schoutsite.nl. I moved this websites from http://www.vughtsmuseum.nl Where it is on good working order) to http://www.schoutsite to improve it, and i want to transfer it back again with Akeeba. How can i get the slider working? Thank you, Martin Reply
why the menu modul didnt appear.. any think problems ?????
help me please
Great Template for Joomla 1.7
I would like toremove ‘create an account’ from the login form.
Can you tell me how?
After transfer the website with Akeeba, the slider doesn’t work.
It is working om http://www.vughtsmuseum.nl en not working on http://www.schoutsite.nl. I moved this websites from http://www.vughtsmuseum.nl Where it is on good working order) to http://www.schoutsite to improve it, and i want to transfer it back again with Akeeba. How can i get the slider working?
Thank you,
Slider doesn’t work animore. what can i do?